
,Balancerchromosomes(orsimplybalancers)areatypeofgeneticallyengineeredchromosomeusedinlaboratorybiologyforthemaintenanceofrecessive ...,由DEMiller著作·2019·被引用50次—BalancerchromosomesaremultiplyinvertedandrearrangedchromosomesthatarewidelyusedinDrosophilagenetics.Firstdescribednearly100 ...,由KEHentges著作·2004·被引用50次—MousebalancerchromosomescanbeengineeredusingCre-loxPtechnologyinselec...

Balancer chromosome

Balancer chromosomes (or simply balancers) are a type of genetically engineered chromosome used in laboratory biology for the maintenance of recessive ...

The joy of balancers

由 DE Miller 著作 · 2019 · 被引用 50 次 — Balancer chromosomes are multiply inverted and rearranged chromosomes that are widely used in Drosophila genetics. First described nearly 100 ...

balancer chromosomes to facilitate genome annotation

由 KE Hentges 著作 · 2004 · 被引用 50 次 — Mouse balancer chromosomes can be engineered using Cre-loxP technology in selected regions of the genome. Balancer mutagenesis screens will provide a systematic ...

Engineering a mouse balancer chromosome

由 B Zheng 著作 · 1999 · 被引用 166 次 — Balancer chromosomes are genetic reagents that are used in Drosophila melanogaster for stock maintenance and mutagenesis screens.

The joy of balancers

由 DE Miller 著作 · 2019 · 被引用 50 次 — Balancer chromosomes are multiply inverted and rearranged chromosomes that are widely used in Drosophila genetics.

Rare recombination events generate sequence diversity ...

由 DE Miller 著作 · 2016 · 被引用 29 次 — Balancer chromosomes are highly rearranged chromosomes that suppress recombination and are an important tool in Drosophila genetics, ...

Balancer Chromosome

Balancer chromosomes—Modified chromosomes that prevent recombinants from emerging in a strain because of extensive inversions and rearrangements. These ...